Ecotec Research Centre, a multidisciplinary structure with competitive costs...
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Serving a large number of customers in Italy and worldwide since 1980 Petrochemical, metallurgical, mining and pharmaceutical waste treatment Plasma technology for metal and energy recovery Contaminated water treatment Over 50 patents in environmental activities
Your environmental partner
We have been operating since 1981 in the field of industrial waste treatment, through the design, construction and operation of plants for the treatment of waste and wastewater from large industrial, oil, metallurgical, chemical, pharmaceutical and mining industries.
Comprising four companies, the Group employs around seventy people and operates throughout Italy by managing Waste Global Treatment plants in some of Italy's largest refineries, petrochemical and metallurgical plants.
Continuous technological innovation is entrusted to the Research Centre (CRE), the Ecotec Group's R&D centre, which is divided into three operating areas: the offices, which cover an area of approximately 500 square metres, the laboratories, which cover approximately 600 square metres, and the testing area with pilot plants, which occupies approximately 1600 square metres.
Ecotec's Research Centre is available to companies/organisations wishing to develop new industrial waste treatment processes (liquid and solid), specifically concerning the replacement of traditional technologies, now obsolete due to stricter regulations.
Some services
Our mobile plants for the on-site treatment of waste...
Find out more >An innovative sludge thermo-drying process to drastically reduce the amount of waste to be disposed of...
Find out more >A complete plant equipped with innovative technologies and proven reliability...
Find out more >Customised liquid and solid waste treatment solutions including waste management...
Find out more >Fast and cost-effective solutions for the disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste...
Find out more >

Crisi energetica e difficoltà a reperire materie prime critiche. L’unica soluzione sono le Miniere urbane


Saras refinery Thermal Drying System TDS
Year: 2019 | Location: Sarroch | Customer: Saras srl
Saras refinery Thermal Drying System TDS
Year: 2019 | Location: Sarroch | Customer: Saras srl

Contaminated water treatment plant
Year: 2015 | Location: Portoscuso | Customer: Portovesme srl
Contaminated water treatment plant
Year: 2015 | Location: Portoscuso | Customer: Portovesme srl

Contaminated water treatment plant
Year: 2014 | Location: Sarroch srl | Customer: Eni Versalis
Contaminated water treatment plant
Year: 2014 | Location: Sarroch srl | Customer: Eni Versalis

Selenium removal plant "Luna"
Year: 2013 | Location: Portovesme srl | Customer: Portovesme srl
Selenium removal plant "Luna"
Year: 2013 | Location: Portovesme srl | Customer: Portovesme srl

Waste Water Reuse (WWR)
Year: 2012 | Location: Livorno | Customer: Eni

Highly contaminated water treatment plant
Year: 2011 | Location: Porto Torres | Customer: Syndial
Highly contaminated water treatment plant
Year: 2011 | Location: Porto Torres | Customer: Syndial

Spent caustic water treatment plant
Year: 2008 | Location: Gela | Customer: Eni

Contaminated soils treatment Platform
Year: 2005 | Location: Assemini

Arsenic contaminated sludge treatment
Year: 2004 | Location: Ravenna | Customer: Eni/Syndial
Arsenic contaminated sludge treatment
Year: 2004 | Location: Ravenna | Customer: Eni/Syndial

Soil washing mobile plant
Year: 2003

Contaminated soil treatment with Ensolvex technology
Year: 2000 | Location: Rho | Customer: Eni
Contaminated soil treatment with Ensolvex technology
Year: 2000 | Location: Rho | Customer: Eni

Hazardous waste treatment plant
Year: 1997 | Location: Portovesme | Customer: Enirisorse

Contaminated water treatment plant
Year: 1994 | Location: Sannazzaro | Customer: Eni

Thermal drying plant
Year: 1993 | Location: Sannazzaro | Customer: Eni

Contaminated bottom sludges treatment plant
Year: 1992 | Location: Rijeka | Customer: Ina

Organ-halogenated sludges treatment plant
Year: 1992 | Location: Assemini | Customer: Enichem
Organ-halogenated sludges treatment plant
Year: 1992 | Location: Assemini | Customer: Enichem

Mobile wastewater treatment plant with ozone and H2O2
Year: 1992 | Location: Sannazzaro | Customer: Eni
Mobile wastewater treatment plant with ozone and H2O2
Year: 1992 | Location: Sannazzaro | Customer: Eni

Lagoon oily sludges mobile treatment plant
Year: 1991 | Location: Trecate | Customer: Esso
Lagoon oily sludges mobile treatment plant
Year: 1991 | Location: Trecate | Customer: Esso

Contaminated soil mobile treatment plant
Year: 1991 | Location: Trieste | Customer: Ente Autonomo del Porto di Trieste
Contaminated soil mobile treatment plant
Year: 1991 | Location: Trieste | Customer: Ente Autonomo del Porto di Trieste

Sludges treatment plant
Year: 1991 | Location: Venezia | Customer: Agip

Spent caustic water treatment with ozone technology
Year: 1990 | Location: Sannazzaro | Customer: Agip
Spent caustic water treatment with ozone technology
Year: 1990 | Location: Sannazzaro | Customer: Agip

Hazardous wastes treatment with big mobile inertization plant
Year: 1990 | Location: Ravenna | Customer: Agip
Hazardous wastes treatment with big mobile inertization plant
Year: 1990 | Location: Ravenna | Customer: Agip

Oily residues treatment plant
Year: 1989 | Location: Livorno | Customer: Agip

Waste and residues treatment plant
Year: 1988 | Location: Sarroch | Customer: Saras

Global service with homogenization waste plant
Year: 1987 | Location: Sannazzaro | Customer: Agip
Global service with homogenization waste plant
Year: 1987 | Location: Sannazzaro | Customer: Agip

Thermal dehydration (TDS) of WWTP sludge from pharmaceutical plant
Year: 1985 | Location: Latina | Customer: Recordati Spa
Thermal dehydration (TDS) of WWTP sludge from pharmaceutical plant
Year: 1985 | Location: Latina | Customer: Recordati Spa

Mobile centrifugation and inertization plant
Year: 1984

Oily sludges centrifugation plant
Year: 1984 | Location: Sannazzaro | Customer: Agip

Oily residues treatment plant
Year: 1984 | Location: Augusta | Customer: Esso

Centrifugated sludges inertization plant
Year: 1983 | Location: Augusta | Customer: Esso

Oily sludges centrifugation plant
Year: 1982 | Location: Augusta | Customer: Esso

Accordo di cooperazione internazionale Ecotec – Institut Supérieur Des Sciences et Technologies de l’Environnement de Borj-Cédria

6a Strada Ovest – Zona Industriale Macchiareddu
09010 Uta CA - Sardinia, Italy
Phone 1: +39 070 2548162
Phone 2: +39 070 2548163
Fax: +39 070 2548255
Vat/C.f./P.Iva: 00952160893
REA SR 85617
Share capital: € 102,000.00 int. vers.