Mobile soil washing plant
A mobile soil washing plant authorised to treat up to 560,640 tonnes/year of waste
The Province of Cagliari, with Determination No. 70 of 23/06/2014, authorised Ecotec Gestione Acque srl to operate a mobile soil washing plant for the treatment and recovery of special hazardous and non-hazardous waste.
The authorisation was granted pursuant to Article 208, paragraph 15, of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and allows the treatment of up to 560,640 tonnes of materials per year.
The goal of the mobile soil washing plant is to wash the soil, "dragging away", as much as possible, the pollutants and the finer portion of material from the higher grain size fractions.
The finer particle sizes, less than about 70 μm, are carried away by the washing flow and condensed again in two stages, one following the other, first by natural settling and then by mechanical pressing.
The maximum capacity of the mobile soil washing plant is approximately 120 t/h (with 15% silt-clay).
The mobile soil washing plant consists of the following main sections: Grinding section (optional) - Material feeding, pre-screening, screening on washed vibrating plate screen, washing of coarse fractions, transfer of washed material to the final homogenizer - Clarification of recirculating water with silt/clay thickening, sludge extraction and accumulation, formation of clean water reserves for recirculating washing - Sludge thickening with mechanical squeezing.
The authorisations to operate the mobile soil washing plant identify all types of waste that can be treated in the plant.
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